Demo Projects

Demo Projects2024-06-28T17:53:10+03:00

WES support to EU funded DEMO Projects

Part of the WES mission is to monitor and disseminate innovative approaches and successful practices in the field of efficient use of water. Within this framework, WES is assisting Demonstration (DEMO) projects, that were awarded, through EU Calls for Proposals. The main field of intervention for the DEMO projects is the promotion of efficient use of water in urban and rural areas.

These projects will provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate practical methods, approaches, and tools that are effective, useful, applicable and replicable, while at the same time will also play a pivotal role in providing good practices and to disseminate knowledge.

Each DEMO project will be monitored and supported not only from a technical point, but also from a communication capacity building perspective in order to maximise its visibility and knowledge dissemination.

The WES support to these DEMO Projects consists of:

  • performing external monitoring in order to make recommendations that can improve the projects effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact;
  • providing targeted ad hoc technical assistance to better promote their objectives, based on needs and findings by WES monitoring actions;
  • participation of the DEMO projects in the WES regional capacity building events, steering committee meetings, national meetings or other events of the countries and to strengthen the interaction between them and other stakeholders, and wherever relevant and possible, stimulate their experience and vision sharing;
  • supporting the projects to provide effective communication and visibility and increase their actions’ out-reach.

The DEMO projects that WES is supporting are: