

Investigating and developing a compendium with successful approaches of EPR system for plastics in Lebanon and Palestine

On 8/12/2022, WES launched an activity for Lebanon and Palestine which will develop a compendium on successful approaches in the Mediterranean with all generic recommendations to be communicated to Lebanon and Palestine with a view to encouraging more ambitious Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes to bring about a more sustainable use of plastics. The activity will explore the existing landscape of EPR related to plastics in both countries with a focus on plastic packaging. It will then identify some [...]

December 8th, 2022|

Updated Health Care Waste Master Plan and Contingency Plan discussed at a Consultation co-organised by WES and the EQA of Palestine

Health care waste management in Palestine is driven by a number of concerns about potential health and environmental impacts. Actions to improve some practices in governmental as well as private hospitals have taken place but nevertheless, a number of challenges remain to be dealt with. In order to improve further the situation, since December 2020 the EU funded ‘Water and Environment Support (WES) project in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region’ has been providing technical assistance to the Environment Quality [...]

December 7th, 2022|

Lessons learned and recommendations of the joint WES and CITET activity on Sustainable Public Procurement in the construction sector in Tunisia confirmed at a Workshop

Since May 2020, the EU funded Water and Environment Support (WES) project has been coaching staff from public and private bodies of Tunisia on how to make the public procurement process in the construction sector more sustainable. The Tunisian Ministry of Environment and the Tunis International Centre for Environment Technologies (CITET) have already initiated a series of programs in the building and construction sector in close partnership with relevant professionals. Out of the coaching experience and to facilitate further [...]

November 28th, 2022|

WES and Marine Litter MED II Projects hand in hand with the Ministry of Environment consult with stakeholders about food and beverage single-use plastic packaging products in Lebanon

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), half of all plastics produced worldwide, are designed to be used just once and then thrown away. These so-called Single-Use Plastics (SUPs), such as plastic bags, food and beverage packaging, etc., pose severe risks to marine ecosystems and biodiversity with implications for human wellbeing and livelihoods. Since March 2022, the EU funded "Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Neighbourhood South Region" project has been providing technical assistance to the [...]

November 24th, 2022|

Monitoring floating and seafloor marine litter in Morocco

A very successful learning-by-doing set of pilot marine litter surveys was implemented in the field, by the Moroccan Authorities and key stakeholders, with the support of the EU funded ‘Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region’ project, on 20-21 October 2022 in the M'diq bay, on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. The surveyors applied the ‘best’ available techniques and methodologies for monitoring floating litter and litter on the seabed. This entailed a team aboard a [...]

November 8th, 2022|