

Union for the Mediterranean Online Stakeholder Consultation

In view of the upcoming 2nd UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action, a Union for the Mediterranean Online Stakeholder Consultation was launched to provide the possibility to an even wider range of relevant actors to consult on the priority themes identified by the UfM countries. This consultation aimed to feed the joint post-2020 Environment and Climate Action agenda. It furthermore was a meaningful participatory engagement of Mediterranean and other stakeholders in the formulation of relevant regional policy, common [...]

November 16th, 2020|

Water Accounting as a vital tool for water management

Water Accounting is a vital tool to achieve integrated water governance and a sustainable water balance. In order to establish proper Water Accounting in all Southern Mediterranean countries, more than 50 participants participated in a two-week regional training on Water Accounting, which was organized by the EU funded “Water and Environment support” (WES) project.  Through an on-line platform, water experts from relevant ministries and statistical offices, followed a 20 hours intensive on-line training spreading over more than two weeks [...]

November 15th, 2020|

Evaluation of new methods to reduce cross-subsidies in the agricultural water tariff

In 2017, Amendment 27 to the Water Law came into force in Israel. One of the significant changes that this amendment made was the replacement of the regulation of water production of previous production levies, with a full tariff regime in the water economy, based on the cost principle. The primary purpose of the amendment was to promote the conversion of the water economy into a closed market so that tariffs charged for production and supply would be based [...]

November 14th, 2020|

Improving water efficiency in Tunisian agriculture

Despite considerable efforts of Tunisia to mobilize its scarce water resources, the country is experiencing a situation of recurring and severe water shortage. Demographic and economic factors, combined with climate change issues are exacerbating the situation of water stress in the country. The available water allocation was 450 m3 per capita in 2010, is now down to 400 m3 per capita and is foreseen to be only 370 m3 in the year 2030. Irrigation for agricultural purposes, is currently [...]

November 12th, 2020|

WES supporting Algeria on efficient water use and water saving in households

Large part of Algeria consists of an arid to semi-arid environment, where renewable water resources are very scarce. The per capita ratio does not exceed 600m3 per year and consequently, the country is structurally in a situation of water stress. Good management of the scarce water resources is therefore pivotal and entails also saving domestic water use in households. The EU funded, “Water and Environment Project (WES)”, will therefore support l’Algérienne des Eaux (ADE) in proposing measures to save [...]

November 11th, 2020|

WES to advise Morocco on water demand management

The economic and social development of Morocco entails an increasing demand on the already scarce water resources in the country, whether for the supply of drinking water to urban and rural populations, to industries or touristic establishments. On top of that, there is also a growing demand for irrigation. In view of the high and growing water demands in the country, the efficient use of water has become of paramount importance and is among the country’s national priorities. In [...]

October 15th, 2020|