

UfM Water Expert Group Meeting on Water Agenda and Financial Strategy in post-COVID 19 context

UfM Water Expert Group Meeting on Water Agenda and Financial Strategy in post-COVID 19 context How can Mediterranean countries effectively address the COVID-19 emergency, without neglecting long-standing sustainable development challenges and water commitments in particular? What are the water agenda-related investment strategies that can promote climate resilience and sustainable development targets, while also helping to deal with the crisis and assist immediate recovery? The COVID-19 crisis clearly demonstrates the inextricable link of health with access to safe water and [...]

June 22nd, 2020|

WES supporting Algeria to combat water leakages

Despite Algeria's national policy to combat leakage and excessive use of water, the country is still suffering from a huge waste of drinking water. L'Algérienne des Eaux (AdE), the public provider for water in Algeria, estimates water losses between production and billing to be 44% on average. Illicit tapping and leaks in the distribution network, including leaks in the connections are common. WES will assist Algeria in carrying out a diagnosis of the performance of non-revenue water in a pilot [...]

June 17th, 2020|

Preparations for first regional event on water accounting on the way

Preparations for first regional event on water accounting on the way The first WES regional training on Water Accounting was originally scheduled to take place in June 2020 in Athens, Greece. Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, it was decided to review the organisation in order to hold instead an online training. This training is now scheduled to take place in September.  As it is likely that also in September regional events cannot take place, the project has already [...]

June 2nd, 2020|

COVID-19: a wake-up call at the launching of WES

The launching of the activities of the work programme of the EU funded Water Environment Support (WES) regional project coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic, which, similarly to what happened in other parts of the world, has seriously affected the Mediterranean Region.  The crisis was not confined only to health problems with many infected people and large numbers of mortal victims, particularly in the Mediterranean North, but it has very serious socio-economic consequences starting from lock-downs, closed schools and restrictions [...]

May 29th, 2020|

WES support to sustainable public purchasing in Tunisia

WES support to sustainable public purchasing in Tunisia The second WES activity has been launched in Tunisia. The “Support for the implementation of a sustainable public purchasing operation in Tunisia” started with an on-line kick off meeting that involved the Tunisian Ministry of Environment, the Tunis International Centre for

May 28th, 2020|

WES participates in MCSD Steering Committee

WES expert Anastasia Roniotes participated as an invited speaker in the 21st meeting of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development. The meeting was held via webex on the 13th of May. Roniotes briefly presented how WES will be supporting the implementation of two "flagship initiatives" of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD 2016-2025). This will be done [...]

May 21st, 2020|