

The WES Project Media Brief during the EU Press Conference/Cairo Water Week 2023 was concluded

Two WES Project Water Activities in Egypt showcased during a Side Event and a Press Conference during the Cairo Water Week 2023. On 01/11/2023, WES presented the results of the activity on ‘financial mechanisms for agriculture’ and the other activity on ‘management of Non-Revenue Water’ to key stakeholders. The possible future actions in the country in a framework of synergies with the WES Project and its successor project for 2024-2028 were also discussed. The results of this side event [...]

November 2nd, 2023|

WES Project is participating in the Cairo Water Week 2023

Stay Tuned! WES Project, in close coordination with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation and the EU Delegation to Egypt, is participating in the Cairo Water Week 2023 by organising a side event on 01/11/2023, during which the results of the two WES water activities in Egypt will be presented to key stakeholders. By the end of this event, the possible future actions in the country in a framework of synergies with the WES Project and its successor [...]

October 31st, 2023|

WES and Med4Waste projects team up to support the municipal waste sector of the Mediterranean region in becoming circular and sustainable

The municipal waste management field in the Mediterranean suffers from multiple drawbacks and chronic problems that require strategic solutions and collaboration among various institutions and stakeholders. To tackle the issue of organic waste more specifically, decentralized actions are increasingly being considered as a viable solution. The EU funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Neighbourhood South Region” project joined forces with ENI CBCMED Med4Waste, and organised a regional workshop and study visit from 24 to 26 October [...]

October 30th, 2023|

WES project has successfully concluded its activity on water use efficiency and domestic water consumption in Algeria

Since October 2020, the EU-funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region" project, has been engaged in the implementation of an activity titled “Potential of Water use efficiency and water saving in domestic water” to support the public water service ‘L’Algérienne Des Eaux’ (ADE) in the development of effective intervention strategies aimed at reducing domestic water consumption. Following two Trainings and the Survey on Residential Water Use Efficiency, WES has successfully concluded its activity by [...]

October 27th, 2023|

UNEP/MAP Meeting for developing the preliminary elements for new National Action Plans (NAPs) and sharing Best Practices for application of the Guidelines for estimating pollutants loads from Agriculture and Aquaculture sectors

📣 STAY TUNED! WES Project is supporting the UNEP/MAP Meeting for developing the preliminary elements for new National Action Plans (NAPs) and sharing Best Practices for application of the Guidelines for estimating pollutants loads from Agriculture and Aquaculture sectors. Athens, Greece 24-25 October 2023

October 24th, 2023|

Tunisia and the European Union united in the fight against plastic pollution as part of the WES Project workshop

On Friday, September 22, 2023 in Tunisia, the Ministry of the Environment organized a consultative workshop to discuss measures aimed at reducing plastic pollution in Tunisia, within the framework of the EU funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Neighbourhood South Region” project. The WES project aims to protect the Mediterranean environment and manage the region's limited water resources more efficiently, focusing on pollution prevention and rational water management. The workshop, which brought together more than 50 [...]

October 6th, 2023|