Towards a sustainable Mediterranean


WES and Med4Waste projects team up to support the municipal waste sector of the Mediterranean region in becoming circular and sustainable

The municipal waste management field in the Mediterranean suffers from multiple drawbacks and chronic problems that require strategic solutions and collaboration among various institutions and stakeholders. To tackle the issue of organic waste more specifically, decentralized actions are increasingly [...]

By |October 30th, 2023|Categories: News|0 Comments

UNEP/MAP Meeting for developing the preliminary elements for new National Action Plans (NAPs) and sharing Best Practices for application of the Guidelines for estimating pollutants loads from Agriculture and Aquaculture sectors

📣 STAY TUNED! WES Project is supporting the UNEP/MAP Meeting for developing the preliminary elements for new National Action Plans (NAPs) and sharing Best Practices for application of the Guidelines for estimating pollutants loads from Agriculture and Aquaculture sectors. [...]

By |October 24th, 2023|Categories: News|0 Comments

Our mission

The EU funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood Region” is a regional project that aims at protecting the environment and improving the management of scarce water resources in the Mediterranean region. Among the key objectives of WES is to tackle problems related to pollution prevention and water use efficiency…..

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The Project

The Water and Environment Support (WES) is a regional project designed to contribute to the implementation of an integrated approach to pollution reduction and prevention, in line with the Union for the Mediterranean agendas and the Barcelona Convention….

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Main Themes

The second pillar of WES, the Environment component  focuses mainly on the prevention of pollution reaching the Mediterranean Sea, minimizing marine litter and plastics and support to shifting to sustainable consumption and production……

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