WES Project participated in the first Med Green Week of the UfM, co-organised with the OECD (14-16/05/2024):

Day 1, 14/05/2024:

Professor Michael Scoullos, Team Leader of  the WES Project, presented two policy papers developed on the UfM and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and on the Mediterranean Accession Agenda to the Aarhus Convention. ESD and access to environmental decision making are prerequisites for achieving the targets of the 2030GreenerMed and other UfM goals.

Day 2, 15/05/2024:

a. In the morning Med Green Week session on the WEFE Nexus, WES set the scene with the introductory presentation on the WEFE Nexus framework in the Mediterranean Source to Sea continuum, followed by the MedECC special report on the WEFE Nexus.

b. During a session on how the Mediterranean is working towards a green, circular economy, Professor Michael Scoullos, WES Team Leader showcased the multitude of actions the WES project is implementing in the MENA region on plastics and marine litter management.

From policy and legislation reforms relating to SUPs, EPR schemes, to marine litter monitoring and mitigation measures and awareness and education for sustainable consumption.

c. The day closed with a session dedicated to civil society and their experiences and lessons learned in engaging youth and women in environmental and climate initiatives.

The WES Gender and Youth mainstreaming actions plans were showcased as an example for other projects to follow, WES being one of the very few in the region monitoring and reporting gender disaggregated data.







For more information, click here: https://ufmsecretariat.org/event/ufm-mediterranean-green-week-2024/